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Early Bird Promo 2024-2025 – Click to learn more!


Innovative Learning Strategies

“The more ways we learn something, in more situations, with more intelligences, more emotions, more forms of media, the more we will embed that learning”

Eric Jensen (1997)

Curriculum Learning Strategies


Brained-Based Learning Principles

Scientific research shows that children learn better and have improved working memory through:

Meaningful Learning

Building on what they already know.


Pattern recognition and correlation and adaptability.


Consistency and matching.

Construal Level Spectrum

The abstract and concrete for effective learning.

Variance and Feedback

Extensions and learning from trial and error.

Sensory Integration

Paivio’s dual-coding theory, multiple sensory integration.

Transfer Effect

Transfer of learning to another area of learning.

Constructive Collaborative Learning

Meaningful group activities and discussions.

Fun and Engaging Environment

Variety of stimuli and strategies and positive reinforcements and emotional well-being.

Priming and Repetition

Focused Attention and Physical Engagement

Holistic Learning Projects

Based on the brain-based learning principles, the school promotes an individualised Montessori programme as a baseline foundation programme, as well as organizes themes, projects, inquiry-based activities to optimise the children’s learning and retention. Some of the projects include the following activities.


Financial Literacy Programme (Project Based- N2 to K2)

Imparts values such as contentment, commitment, carefulness, consistency, confidence, compassion, charity, making sensible decisions, having a savings mind-set, prioritising between needs and wants, promotes healthy eating and habits, as well as learning not to waste things.

Achieved through age-appropriate lessons, books, games and role-play, all specially designed by pre-school practitioners and designed and researched by Dr Koh Noi Keng, Chair of the Citi-NIE Financial Literacy Hub for teachers.

Augmented by centre-based creative lessons with concrete materials and experiential learning for overall holistic approach to learning.

Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (S.T.E.A.M)

Our children will be exposed to different programmes in relation to science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics using age-appropriate activities for the different levels. These will include:

  • S

    Understanding basic concepts of science. Includes botany, the human body, non-living and living things.

  • T

    Application of science to solve problems. Magnets, simple machines, compass, simple circuit boards, robotics and coding.

  • E

    Building of things; including constructive blocks, lego, robots, bridges, cars.

  • A

    Understanding colours, textures, different genres of art; including fabric printing, resin craft, silk printing craft.

  • M

    Understanding its application in daily life; length, weight, volume, height, temperature. Cookery, baking, practical life activities.


Sustainability Programmes

In line with the global efforts to promote sustainability and eco-friendly practices, the school will engage children in:

Montessori Programme

Montessori Components at Our Children’s House encompass a holistic approach to early education, including:

Refining of fine motor and sensory skills in preparation for independence; self-regulation, developing concentration, self-care and grooming, motor-skills and co-ordination in future writing skills, etc.

These activities help to develop the children’s visual, tactile, taste, and auditory senses and discrimination. Through trial and error, the children learn to correct their own mistakes.

The focus is to help our children to have a good understanding of language through phonemic awareness, and to build the links between language and literacy through concrete, visual and auditory activities.

All these will be carried out using the Montessori materials, as well as Letterland Phonics

We help the children to understand abstract Mathematical concepts through visual.

For children to gain knowledge and understanding through a range of activities which promote their understanding and awareness of both their immediate and wider environment. It complements the thematic, project and inquiry-based lessons.

K2 Addition

Preparations for Primary School

To prepare our K1 and K2 for primary school, some of the key learnings comprise of the following:

As well as Grammar and comprehension, guided reading programme, spelling, and show and tell.

The Mandarin Programme

We also have a strong Mandarin language and literacy curriculum, using multi-intelligence strategies and developmentally appropriate activities to help make learning Mandarin interesting and fun. It will lay a strong foundation in preparation for primary school in the later years.

The school implements a challenging and exciting Mandarin curriculum developed by the CI-NTU (Confucius Institute – Nanyang Technological University).

Reading and Pre-Literacy Programme

The school also has a special joint reading and literacy programme for the children, using a range of books which covering EQ related subjects and child-centred themes.

我们的华文课程 (K1 & K2)

Outdoor Activities

Children at our school have ample opportunities for outdoor free play, gardening and learning in the natural environment. This will help to develop the children’s overall well-being.

Besides developing their gross motor and social-emotional skills through play, children have the opportunities to learn about and appreciate nature through growing their own vegetables, fruits, and herbs as well as composting in our garden.
